About Device Solution and Networked Solution

2020-11-20 chint meter 6169



Hybrid power metering solution is composed of ATS, prepaid meter and vending system, which can automatically identify different external power inputs and charge separately. It solves the problem that dual power inputs cannot be measured separately. In addition, the prepaid meter complies the STS standard, which has a high encryption level. This solution not only saves customers the purchase cost, but also provides a reliable insurance.


Cluster metering solution is composed of DIN-Rail meter, gateway, PowerEasy system and mobile App (optional). It supports prepaid/postpaid online switching, and customers can switch flexibly according to their demands. Through convenient DIN-Rail type installation, it can be cluster installed in an indoor or outdoor meter box, users can not touch the meters, which solves the problem of electricity tampering effectively. At the same time, users can check the energy consumption with a mobile App, which is convenient for operation and maintenance, which is a cost-effective solution.


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